Success is simple things practiced everyday

The forward motion newsletter - advice and ponderings for swimrunners, swimmers, runners, exercise enthusiasts and movement addicts. Where focus goes energy flows.

Coach Tom

Tom Jenkinson is a SwimRun community mobilizer, self-proclaimed stoic sage and natural running evangelist! He runs the Masters section of Bromma Swim Club Sweden and is a coach at Envol Swimrun.

I had seen the Envol “blue nation” at various SwimRun races over the years, but I’ll be honest, I had the impression of a performance-oriented clique based on their domination of many podiums! It wasn’t until 2020 that I got to know them better and how wrong I was. What I discovered was an incredibly warm and inclusive global community of swimrunners and multisport athletes with a multitude of different goals and backgrounds. I loved the community so much I joined it. Check it out. Train hard and have fun!

 – Coach T


The International SwimRun Team



Most Recreational Marathoners Get Periodisation Wrong
I Came for the Running, Stayed for the Swimming
Balance and Precision Transform Your Swimming
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New Performance Hacks for 2025
Optimizing Neuromuscular Efficiency in Running & Swimming
Rethinking Injury Prevention in 2025