Success is simple things practiced everyday

The forward motion newsletter - advice and ponderings for swimrunners, swimmers, runners, exercise enthusiasts and movement addicts. Where focus goes energy flows.

Coach Tom

Tom Jenkinson is a SwimRun community mobilizer, self-proclaimed stoic sage and natural running evangelist! He runs the Masters section of Bromma Swim Club Sweden and is a coach at Envol Swimrun.

I had seen the Envol “blue nation” at various SwimRun races over the years, but I’ll be honest, I had the impression of a performance-oriented clique based on their domination of many podiums! It wasn’t until 2020 that I got to know them better and how wrong I was. What I discovered was an incredibly warm and inclusive global community of swimrunners and multisport athletes with a multitude of different goals and backgrounds. I loved the community so much I joined it. Check it out. Train hard and have fun!

 – Coach T


The International SwimRun Team



Optimizing Neuromuscular Efficiency in Running & Swimming
Rethinking Injury Prevention in 2025
The Hidden Factors Behind Running Injuries
Thoughts on the Importance of the Long Run for Fat Metabolism
Thoughts on Intensity vs Distance
Thoughts on the place of the Long Run
The Concept of 'Good Enough' Coaching